Myanmar coup: 18 killed as security forces use live ammunition

Myanmar coup: 18 killed as security forces use live ammunition

The protest in Burma has claimed more lives as the military crackdown intensifies. Media reports alleged that at least 18 people have died during protests across the country. 

18 dies as protest continues in Burmese cities 

 The security forces of the Burmese hierarchy have claimed nothing less than 18 lives in what is termed the deadliest anti-coup demonstrations. There were several casualties in major cities like Dawei, Yangon, and Mandalay where police were seen using live munitions and tear gas to quell protests. 

The crackdown started on Saturday across all major protesting joints as there was no going back for the demonstrators. This protest was against the army overthrowing the elected leaders in the November elections. There were social media pictures online which showed many demonstrators fleeing as police opened fire on them. The crackdown was intensified on Sunday as the violence grew all over the cities. 

However, the citizens remained undeterred and stood their ground m. Various human rights activists and health officials confirmed that at least five people died in Yangon on Saturday. 

Myanmar citizens say no going back on demonstrations

Nyan win, a leader protesting said

'' If the army pushes us, it is only for. While we will rise and defend ourselves. We will never bow down to the oppression of coup plotters ''. Another protester said. The security started firing at us immediately when we arrived. They didn't issue any warning, it is as if they were waiting for us. Many are injured and others are still hiding ''.

The southern region of Dawei saw many securities personally trying to break up a large rally. Reports say another four demonstrators fell. Protests continue in Lashuo and Mandalay has water cannons and tear gas was used freely. According to the UN, Human rights deaths were recorded in Bag And Pokokku. There have been many arrests which unconfirmed reports put at 900.

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